New Endian LLC Apps

FreqFinder 2.27
New Endian LLC
For use with transmitters by Lectrosonics,Comtek, Sennheiser, Zaxcom, and more.FreqFinder calculates the intermodulation products of user enteredtransmitter channels and then suggests options of channels thatwill be compatible with user transmitters already in use.Recommended for use with 12-24 transmitter systems depending on theprocessing power of your device and the spread of yourtransmitters.US Customers: TVDB in-app purchase now available. Accesses the FCCdatabase for local TV broadcast towers and estimates the fieldstrength at your location for better channel selection.
New Endian LLC
Remote control application for Lectrosonics®SM Transmitters. Now supports Lectrosonics new L Seriestransmitters!Change Audio Level, Frequency, Sleep mode, and Lock mode by playinga tone through an attached microphone.Control transmit Power on SM transmitters with firmware version 4.0or higher.FeaturesSafe - "Hold Button To Activate" prevents accidental changing ofsettingsPresets - save presets to quickly reference the settings on all ofyour transmittersVolume Control - hear the loudness of the tone before activatingit*SM Transmitters must be configured to accept remote control. Holdthe down button while turning the transmitter on and select "rcon". The original SM requires firmware version 1.5 (released 12/05)to respond to the remote. The firmware version number appears uponturning on the unit. SMa, SMQV and SMV models all support remotecontrol.Lectrosonics® is a registered trademark of Lectrosonics Inc.
Songbook for Karaoke Champ 1.12
New Endian LLC
This app is a downloaded copy of the KaraokeChamp songbook along with easy search capability. Checks for newreleases as well.Now with Favorites and New Songs screens!New Endian LLC is not affiliated with Karaoke Champ in any wayexcept as a frequent visitor of their establishment.Happy singing!
PDRRemote 1.03
New Endian LLC
Remote control application for Lectrosonics®PDR RecordersStart and stop recording, change audio level, and lock or unlockyour PDR by playing a tone through an attached microphone.FeaturesSafe - "Hold Button To Activate" prevents accidental changing ofsettingsVolume Control - hear the loudness of the tone before activatingitLectrosonics® is a registered trademark of Lectrosonics Inc.
Timecard Buddy 1.68
New Endian LLC
Finally an Android timecard app for film production workers!!!
Open Callsheet 1.12
New Endian LLC
One button access to today’s call sheet no matter the production